On effect of article 10 of law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services of July 11, 2002 (from now on “LSSICE”), we inform that the ownership of the web site (from now on “Website”), corresponds to GUI STUDIO INVEST S.L. (from now on AUREA COWORKING), with CIF B-05357405, registered in the Public Registry of Commerce of Barcelona , Volume 44682, Sheet 86, Page B-463386, first inscription, established for notification effects in Vía Augusta 318, Local 4, 08017 in Barcelona, and with as email address.


AUREA COWORKING is a coworking company, it rents workspaces both in shared tables and in private offices, in both cases coworkers share services (general supplies and services described in the sections of “coworking” and “Home page”)

The prices of the products, described in the section “prices” and “meeting- rooms” are the following:

  • 1 Day Pass = 25€ + IVA
  • 30 hours’ bonus= 79€ + IVA
  • 60 hours’ bonus = 159€ + IVA
  • Part-time6h/day= 149€ + IVA
  • Full time, Monday to Friday= 185 € + IVA
  • Full Access 24 hours= 220 € + IVA
  • Virtual Office = 40€ + IVA
  • LOFT meeting room (part-time) = 60€ + IVA
  • LOFTmeeting room (full time) = 120€ + IVA

The availability of products

The products offered by AUREA COWORKING are valid when the products are visible on the website and with the limits of Stock available, BUT before making the online payment for one of our packages it´s necessary to receive from AUREA co-working an email with a confirmation code and a begining date, please request it via e-mail, telephone or visit us.


The current General Conditions are those since the date of its last update. AUREA COWORKING can choose to modify the General Conditions any time and without prior notice. Similarly, AUREA COWORKING can modify the design and/or configuration of the Web site and its content.

Access to the service

The User is informed, and accepts, that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with GUI STUDIO INVEST S.L (AUREA COWORKING) or any of its delegations.

The access is free, but there is an exception that had to do with the cost of connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the ISP that has been hired by the user. In addition, the access to the website implies the user’s aceptance of the present General Conditions.

 Conditions of use of the Web site and User´s obligations

The user assumes the obligation to make use of the Web site and all of its contents and services in accordance with what the current laws, morals, public order, the generally accepted uses and these General Conditions have established. Also, the user assumes the obligation to use the services and content of the Web site correctly, which excludes any use for illegal purposes or law breaking use, or which violates the rights of third parties or that may infringe the regulation on intellectual and industrial property, or any other standard of the legal system.

Additionally, the user assumes the obligation of not sharing material or information that goes against the law, morality, public order and the General Conditions. The user agrees to the following, while the enumeration is not a closed and exclusive list:

  1. To enable the information on the data requested in the User’s registration form or at the time of placing the order, and to keep them updated.
  2. To not include or disseminate, in or from the Web site, racist, xenophobic, pornographic content or advertising, inciting terrorism, or that violates human rights, morality, public order, public freedoms, honor, third parties’ privacy or image and in general the actual legislation.
  3. To not introduce or spread in the network program data, viruses, harmful software or any other electronic device that can cause damage to the Access provider’s computer systems, GUI STUDIO INVEST S.L providers or other users of the Internet network.
  4. To not to spread, transmit information and elements that contain illegal or unfair advertising to that may infringe the fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized by the Constitution and by international treaties.

5.-To not destroy, alter, disable or damage GUI STUDIO INVEST S.L, suppliers or others’ electronic documents, data and information.

6.- Do not insert or disseminate through the Web site, content that violate others’

7.-To hold harmless to (the “Web site”) to any possible claim, fine, or penalty which could have to undergo if the User doesn’t follow the rules that were indicated above. In addition, (“Web site”) reserves the right to require compensation for damages that may occur in those cases.


The website’s content: texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound contents, as well as its graphic design and source codes, are intellectual property of, (“website”), there is no case in which the licenses can be transferred to the User and there is no total or partial transmission or quitting of the exploitation rights., (“Web site”) also owns the brands, commercial names and distinctive signs. The Access to the website doesn’t attribute any right over them.

If a User or a third party considers that their rights have been violated due to an specific content that has been included on the website, He must send a written notification of this event to AUREA COWORKING.

By accepting these General Conditions, the User gives, free and exclusive exploitation rights over the comments and opinions that the he might publish. This is made for the world territory, with no limitations, and for the maximum period of duration that is expected by the current law on intellectual property. In addition,, will have the possibility to exploit the rights of reproduction, transformation, distribution and public communication of the comments and opinions mentioned, in the more extensive way recognized by the law.

And about the comments and opinions, the User declares that he has the rights of intellectual property and agrees to assume any responsibility – which includes compensation for damages-, that a third party may exercise against in the case of considering that their rights might have been violated by actions derived from the obligations that the User acquires with these General Conditions.


GUI STUDIO INVEST S.L (AUREA COWORKING) reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in its webpage and may even limit or deny access to some information to certain users.

GUI STUDIO INVEST S.L (AUREA COWORKING) does not assume any responsibility for the information contained in webpages of third parties that may be accessed by “links” or links from any web page owned by GUI STUDIO INVEST S.L (AUREA COWORKING). The presence of “links” or links on the web pages of GUI STUDIO INVEST S.L (AUREA COWORKING) are for informational purposes only and in no case supposes suggestion, invitation or recommendation on them.


Disputes that may arise due to the interpretation or performance of these General Terms and Conditions, shall be interpreted on the basis of the Spanish Law.

  1. Right of Withdrawal.

Due to the fact that is has to do with the use of professional services, we offer our users 1 to 3 days free trial (depending on the contracted package) to verify the services we offer, from these days the hiring that they make of them are assumed with full knowledge by the client / user of the facilities and services that include our monthly or flexible packages. Cancellations once the services are contracted will be analyzed case by case during the first 5 days of contracting them. After that period, only cancellations will be accepted if our company approves them previously. Otherwise, they will be denied.

On the other hand, cancellations that had been originated by our responsibility will be paid back completely by AUREA COWORKING.